Tuesday 6 October 2015

Lloyds Bank advert with touching history of horses helping humans

Lloyds bank advert

Lloyds recent advert involves black horses in a range of scenarios, intended to demonstrate the strength and support they have provided in humanity's day - to - day life. All the scenes are intended to show the value of loyalty, trust and service which the bank provides to their customers. The advert shows the horses through different times which relates to the bank as it was founded in 1765. One scene in particular shows a lady in a wheelchair and the horse is giving affection, it shows that the horse does not judge and the bank will not judge it's customers and will treat customers individually. Also the song is a very powerful technique used as it could be bring a tear to people's eyes, giving the advert a personal touch. Overall Lloyds gives a very powerful and tear jerking campaign. 

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